Datum, Date: |
25. - 29.6.2000 |
Misto konani:
Place: |
Olomouc (CZE), Dum deti a mladeze, tr. 17.
listopadu |
Prezentace, Attendance: |
nedele 25.6.2000 od 10.00 do 14.00 hod.
Sunday 25.6.2000 from 10.00 to 14.00 o'clock |
Reditel turnaje:
Director of tournament: |
Jaroslav Fuksik |
Poradatel, Organizer: |
Agentura 64 Grygov, Jaroslav Fuksik
783 73 Grygov 337, Czech Republic, tel./fax: +420-68-5393327
e-mail: a64@proclient.cz, WWW: http://www.proclient.cz/a64 |
Rozhodci, Arbiters: |
Richard Biolek, IA
Jakub Fuksik |
Herni system:
System of tournament: |
svycarsky - 7 kol
swiss - 7 rounds |
Tempo hry:
Rate of the game: |
20 tahu za 1 hod. + 1 hod. kazdemu hraci do
konce hry
20 moves in 1 hour + 1 hour for each player to finish the game |
Pravo ucasti:
Right of Attendance: |
1) FIDE OPEN - hraci narozeni 1980 a mladsi - players born
in 1980 and younger
2) narodni / national open A - hraci narozeni 1984 a mladsi - players born in 1984 and
3) narodni / national open B - hraci narozeni 1988 a mladsi - players born in 1988 and
younger |
Ceny, Prizes: |
Hraci na 7. - 12. miste obdrzi vecne ceny.
Players on 7th-12th place will get nonfinancial prizes.
V narodnich openech A a B obdrzi nejlepsi hraci vecne ceny. Zaruceno je min. 6 cen v
kazdem turnaji v hodnote 4000 Kc.
In national open A and B will best players get nonfinancial prizes. Guaranteed is at least
6 prizes in each tournament in the value 4000 CZK.
Note: 1 DEM = 18.7 CZK |
Ubytovani a stravovani:
Accommodation and Boarding: |
ubytovani + celodenni strava po dobu turnaje
1200,- Kc (cena pro hrace z CR / special discount price for Czech players)
accomodation + all-day boarding during tournament 1500,- CZK (price for
foreigners) |
Platby, Payment: |
hraci bez / players without FIDE ELO |
400 CZK |
hraci s / players with FIDE ELO 2000 - 2200 |
350 CZK |
hraci s / players with FIDE ELO 2201 - 2300 |
300 CZK |
hraci s / players with FIDE ELO 2301 and higher |
--- |
narodni / national open A + B
pro vsechny hrace / for all players |
150 CZK |
Casový rozvrh:
Schedule: |
Date |
Time |
Round |
25.6.2000 |
10.00 - 14.00
15.00 - 19.00 |
1. kolo / round |
26.6.2000 |
9.00 - 13.00
15.00 - 19.00 |
2. kolo / round
3. kolo / round |
27.6.2000 |
9.00 - 13.00
evening |
4. kolo / round
prohlidka mesta, navsteva ZOO sight-seeing, visit of ZOO
beseda a simultánka s reprezentanty
meeting and simul. with czech GMs |
28.6.2000 |
9.00 - 13.00
15.00 - 19.00 |
5. kolo / round
6. kolo / round |
29.6.2000 |
9.00 - 13.00
14.00 |
7. kolo / round
slavnostni ukonceni / closing ceremony |
Applications: |
do 10.6.2000 na adresu poradatele
until 10.6.2000 to the organizer of tournament address |